Time to convert libraries to MQL5 - page 13


Youcan publish your own. Just not right now, of course.

I've already said something about R before.

And vested interest..., kudos, and support. If all the MQs are done, we will have nothing else to do but post on forums :(
And self-interest..., kudos, and support. If all the MQs are done, what will be left for us to do is post on forums :(
Has the holy grail been found? :)))
Has the holy grail already been found? :)))

Apparently so. All the strategies have been coded, all the traders have become programmers.

All that's left to do is to flounder.


And I've already said something about R before.

Could you provide a link, please?

I understand that the integration itself will probably be done by the author of the bible (thought from the ceiling).

So maybe the community should focus on what is not in ALGLIB, for example I see that neuronics are very poorly represented there, FANN is good for that.

What else is needed, who can see what?

I'm thinking for FANN as well. I really want to have it in the form of MQL5.
No, we don't plan to support them explicitly yet.
I think we do not want to have it in "any other" form, so I don't want to get it in MQL5.
the topic is 1.5 months old, I would like to know when? ....
The most ambitious project, personally, would be a library consisting of a target automatically - as most do - as it is possible to translate mql4 code into mql5 code.

This is not only a script to convert the syntax but is a system of artificial intelligence (written with the library) that interpetate the mql4 code (and trade intentions) and convert to mql5 code as best as possible. There may be logical errors, but at least not the syntax.

This will cut a little proposed work on the job section (or a reduction of pressure jobs if too much), but also workers on jobs can be given to consider on automatically translated code and perfectionize (humanize) the code where the automated converter, fails(not very good). In any case, human revision is required, but some jobs may be easy and not suppress the programmer job section.

There are many things in MQL4 code that need to be migrated to mql5 as well.

Automated code porting, a library, may be helpful.

There are two great Articles:


but they are not sufficient.

The library should not just be a syntax converter, but more of a "translator" of code logic.
Перенос индикаторов из MQL4 в MQL5
Перенос индикаторов из MQL4 в MQL5
  • 2010.07.21
  • Vasily
  • www.mql5.com
Статья посвящена особенностям переноса в MQL5 ценовых конструкций, используемых в индикаторах, написанных на MQL4. Для упрощения переноса индикаторных расчетов из MQL4 в MQL5 предложена библиотека функций mql4_2_mql5.mqh, применение которой рассмотрено на примере переноса индикаторов MACD, Stochastic и RSI.
The most ambitius project, personally, would be a library consisting of a target, automatically - as most - as it is possible to translate mql4 code into mql5 code.



The library should not be just a syntax converter, but more of a "translator" of the logic of the code.
A very difficult task, almost unrealistic.
A very difficult task. Almost unrealistic.
Realistic. But not right now.
A very difficult task. Not very realistic.
Certainly very difficult, and with no guaranteed result.

It would be like <<syntax parser/ "parser">> or the like.


Even if such libraries+script is implemented, it would be like:

<<try to convert mql4 code into mql5 code>>

and not

<< convert mql4 code into mql5 code>