Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 1772


Ahahahah ha))

What the fuck are you laughing at... he's laughing here... You're not the only one... Keep fucking laughing and keep on fucking with the money :-)
Mihail Marchukajtes:
Why all of a sudden Max? I'm at home, I opened my position in the morning and it has already made a fortune, so I`m having fun and you`re having fun too.... Such a guy what can I say :-)

Stop drinking, it's for wimps.

You manage to earn, you drink, you get drunk, you get drunk! I don't even want to know what's on holidays!)

Mihail Marchukajtes:
Well, as for Babisch, the real theme, they are not here and we climb, maybe posyovem, you see will be easier, but not the one who as a prishiblinnaya about kat bousting, although she looks nice, I would even hook up with her, but she does not read these posts, alas :-(

Veronica is already taken


Stop drinking, it's for wimps.

You manage to earn, you drink, you get drunk, you get drunk! I do not even ask about the holidays!)

No I started earning all the time, Moex is just a fairy tale after forex you wouldn't believe... like by the notes... IMHO...
Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Veronica is already taken

Come on, how the fuck do you know, confess you bastard, not you... I'll challenge you to a duel, bitch, if it's true... I just liked her, that's why I got upset :-)
Mihail Marchukajtes:
Come on, how the fuck do you know, confess you bastard, not you... I challenge you bitch to a duel if it's true... I just liked her, that's why I got angry :-)

Aahahahahah ha)))


Ahahahahah ha)))

What's up.... Max is a good one to beat up, he'll get some for his old sins too, so he'll be fine, except Veronica didn't pick him :-(

Not me either, as statistics show. Sad :-(

Yes, if you don't have time to program TC, you can use a couple of babes (or rather, their neural systems) for clustering and extrapolation tasks. Except, you can't run them in a tester, though.
Sealdo Sergey:
Yes, if you don't have time to program TC, you can use a couple of babes (or rather, their neural systems) for clustering and extrapolation tasks. Except you can't run them in a tester, though.
In the tester it's very simple, the main thing is to squeeze them first, and then in the period of weak stratum to ask, what do you think, dear (they like it very much), where do you think the rate will go, and that's where they'll be caught. Just kidding, of course :-)

I don't get it, akurasi on the new data? 2020 ?

Yes, on the new data, but now I realized that the target is wrong. I took the actual vector ZZ with an offset, which is wrong.

I need to sketch out a script to get the target out.