Intel AlderLake 12900K Agent PR Value


Is anyone able to provide insight as to why the PR value for 12900 is 50 points less that 10850?  Both these machines have similar available disk storage which I believe is the only other metric used for the calculation that is not depicted.  These machines are both up 24x7.


EXX KXX: Is anyone able to provide insight as to why the PR value for 12900 is 50 points less that 10850?  Both these machines have similar available disk storage which I believe is the only other metric used for the calculation that is not depicted.  These machines are both up 24x7.

It also depends on disk speed (which can be affected by fragmentation on a regular HD) as well as the overall load at the time the PR was calculated.

So, if you were doing stuff that put more load on CPU and Disk instead of an idle state at the time the PR was calculated, it will drop.

EDIT: I am assuming you are not using an SSD as both those values are somewhat low for your computer specs if it is an SSD. So it must be a regular mechanical HD then.


Understood but the delta in disk (size and speed) between these 2 machines is fairly low,  the 10850 used to be attached to the disk that the 12900 is now attached to and the value stayed the same after reinstalling the agents.

My guess was that it had something to do with the ECore vs PCore in this new architecture throwing off the PR calculation but even after disabling the Ecores and reinstalling the PR value for the 12900 stayed the same.

That 50 point difference has a very significant impact on job distribution.  When posting this thread both those machines had been running for about the same time and you can see this difference in passes worked.

I can use the 12900 machine for other things like crypto mining but was hoping to continue with MQL5 on this machine.

Fernando Carreiro #:

EDIT: I am assuming you are not using an SSD as both those values are somewhat low for your computer specs if it is an SSD. So it must be a regular mechanical HD then.

Both machines are using SSD

Hi, good afternoon. I know a friend who has the same processor and he is using DDR5 memory and his PR is 220 without OCing the processor. I am also going to add a 12900KF soon.
What was the PR you were seeing on the 10850? Just wondering because Im running a 10850K which I would expect to have similar performance to the non "k" model and Im only getting 131 PR, which I feel may be too low. Over the course of the last 48 hours I have only gotten 40 minutes of total cpu time, which I believe to be caused by other systems being favored due to higher pr.
My 128000hx doesn't even get tasks because its PR is too low.  I've uninstalled and reinstalled multiple times, the PR never changes.  When I first installed about a year ago the PR was closer to 200, now its 59 even after upgrading RAM.
How is Agent PR Calculated?
How is Agent PR Calculated?
  • 2024.06.12
  • Alfred Penny
Hello I am curious how the PR is calculated for the strategy tester agents. Anyone shed some light? Thanks...