Trying to change color of Blue Trendline in Strategy Tester output to Aqua.


Hi there

This is my 1st time on this Forum.
I have a problem with changing the colors of the Trendline in the Strategy Tester output.
The Trendline colors are Red and Blue.
I'm trying to change the blue to Aqua as I'm blind to Blue.

This script works but changes ALL the lines to Aqua.
I'm trying to only select the Blue and change it to Aqua.
The lines in the boxes are my attempts to exclude the Red or includethe Blue but it does not work.
This program currently compiles without any errors and changes ALL the Red and Blue lines to Aqua
provided  my 2 attempts in the boxes are hashed out.
Please help.

//|                                                      myPrint.mq4 |
//|                         |
//|                                    |
#property copyright ""
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict
//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()

   for( int n=ObjectsTotal()-1; n>=0; n-- ){
      string str= ObjectName(n);

      if( ObjectType(str) != OBJ_TREND )
       //          *****trying to exclude Red***** OR
       //       if( ObjectGet("Trendline", OBJPROP_COLOR)  != clrRed  )
       //       continue;
       //         *****trying to include only Blue*****
       //       if( ObjectGet("Trendline", OBJPROP_COLOR)  == clrBlue  )
       //      continue;

      if( StringGetChar(str,0) != '#' )


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Attached mq4 file
myPrint.mq4  2 kb
freefreecj #: Attached mq4 file

Try this:

void OnStart()
   for( int n=ObjectsTotal()-1; n>=0; n-- ){
      string str= ObjectName(n);

      if( ObjectType(str) != OBJ_TREND )
      if( StringGetChar(str,0) != '#' )
Improperly formatted code edited by moderator.
@Wen #: Try this:

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