Meta 4

Hoe many be change
What is your question? please ask clear question.
Muhammad Hafiz: Hoe many be change

Nonsense words.

Please post only in English on this forum. Use the automatic translation tool if needed. Use simple language structure when using mechanical translation. (2013)

i need help 
my account on MT4 was disabled since yesterday!!

Hadi al salem #:
i need help 
my account on MT4 was disabled since yesterday!!

Do you mean your account on your broker?

What kind of account it was? Demo?

Hadi al salem #: my account on MT4 was disabled since yesterday!!
  1. Don't Hijack other threads for your off-topic post. Next time, make your own, new, thread.

  2. MT4 is the terminal, a program. There are no accounts there.

    There is your MetaQuotes account on which you used.

    There is your brokers account. Only they can help you with that.

    Some demo accounts have limited duration with some brokers. Some expire after lack of use with others.  Just open another.
              No expiration Demo accounts from Forex brokers - 100forexbrokers