Is there an easy way to tell what the price level is at your specific fib lines?

I see on trading view it has the price of each line right next to each fib line to make it easy. Is there an easy way on MT to find the same info?
You can have the Fibo tool display prices and percentage.
          How can I get the actual price of each Fibo level ? - Technical Indicators - MQL5 programming forum
William Roeder #:
You can have the Fibo tool display prices and percentage.
          How can I get the actual price of each Fibo level ? - Technical Indicators - MQL5 programming forum
Any idea where the setting are for that on the mt5? I just drew a fib and I am not seeing those options
William Roeder #:
You can have the Fibo tool display prices and percentage.
          How can I get the actual price of each Fibo level ? - Technical Indicators - MQL5 programming forum

Ahhh OK I see that you linked the solution and I have followed it and it works. Thank you so very much. :)