Cannot Get Calendar News (17 Sep 2021 Release Has bugs, Pls Fix MQL5 Dev)


Cannot get Calendar new for some countries.


Source Code:

               // PrintFormat("Received event values for country_code=%s: %d", US_code,ArraySize(values));
               //--- decrease the size of the array for outputting to the Journal
               //--- display event values in the Journal
               // ArrayPrint(values);
               for(int i=0; i<=9; i++)

                  MqlCalendarEvent event;
                  if(CalendarEventById(values[i].event_id,event) && event.importance == CALENDAR_IMPORTANCE_HIGH)
                     hasNews = true;
                     newsCheck = values[i].time + (60*60); // after one hour of news
                     MqlCalendarCountry country;
                     PrintFormat("Event description with event_id=%d received",values[i].event_id);
                     PrintFormat("Country: %s (country code = %d)",,event.country_id);
                     PrintFormat("Event name: %s",;
                     PrintFormat("Event code: %s",event.event_code);
                     PrintFormat("Event importance: %s",EnumToString((ENUM_CALENDAR_EVENT_IMPORTANCE)event.importance));
                     Print("Date: " + values[i].time);
                     Print("Event In: " + double(double(values[i].time - TimeCurrent()) / 3600) + " hour/s");
                     PrintFormat("Event type: %s",EnumToString((ENUM_CALENDAR_EVENT_TYPE)event.type));
                     PrintFormat("Event sector: %s",EnumToString((ENUM_CALENDAR_EVENT_SECTOR)event.sector));
                     PrintFormat("Event frequency: %s",EnumToString((ENUM_CALENDAR_EVENT_FREQUENCY)event.frequency));
                     PrintFormat("Event release mode: %s",EnumToString((ENUM_CALENDAR_EVENT_TIMEMODE)event.time_mode));
                     PrintFormat("Event measurement unit: %s",EnumToString((ENUM_CALENDAR_EVENT_UNIT)event.unit));
                     PrintFormat("Number of decimal places: %d",event.digits);
                     PrintFormat("Event multiplier: %s",EnumToString((ENUM_CALENDAR_EVENT_MULTIPLIER)event.multiplier));
                     PrintFormat("Source URL: %s",event.source_url);
               PrintFormat("Error! Failed to receive events for country_code=%s",country_code);
               PrintFormat("Error code: %d",GetLastError());
               // hasNews = true; // if can't Identify set to true
errors on the attachment.

After the Update to Version 5.00 build 3042 17 Sep 2021, I'm getting the error on attachement.