Set expired date remotely on mql4

Is there anyways to code mql4 wich we can set expiredate remotely.
I mean if somebody rent my ea and I will give expiredate remotely. 

There are many ways. Reading a website, for example.
William Roeder:
There are many ways. Reading a website, for example.

thanks for reply

Can some one here give me link to related topic

time limit is not allowed if you want to sell in this web as the new rules says i suppose?

Hi bro!

I've finished my projects related to your needs. I recommend here 2 ways to do that:

1. Use the client's MT4 ID to register with you, make your EA connect to a host or server to compare the MT4 ID in there, this mean you remove the ID your side, the EA will stop.

2. Make your EA activate a time counter on client's PC. Put a check expired time condition in OnInit(), even OnTick() if you want. This need at least 1 time to connect server or host to verify...

Pak Hong Poon:
time limit is not allowed if you want to sell in this web as the new rules says i suppose?

suppose i rent it outside mql5

Quang Tran:

Hi bro!

I've finished my projects related to your needs. I recommend here 2 ways to do that:

1. Use the client's MT4 ID to register with you, make your EA connect to a host or server to compare the MT4 ID in there, this mean you remove the ID your side, the EA will stop.

2. Make your EA activate a time counter on client's PC. Put a check expired time condition in OnInit(), even OnTick() if you want. This need at least 1 time to connect server or host to verify...

Thanks for your reply,

but in this matter i need to give expire date 

when my client wants to renew subscription i just need to change expire date remotely.

Right now i only gave new ea file after i code new expire date. This thing will force my clien to re attach and re setup again the ea.

Agus Wahyu Pratomo:

Thanks for your reply,

but in this matter i need to give expire date 

when my client wants to renew subscription i just need to change expire date remotely.

Right now i only gave new ea file after i code new expire date. This thing will force my clien to re attach and re setup again the ea.

Read my comments carefully bro, my solutions mean that client no need to do anything, you change the expired date on your side (on server or host), sure client have to contact you to do that.

Quang Tran:

Read my comments carefully bro, my solutions mean that client no need to do anything, you change the expired date on your side (on server or host), sure client have to contact you to do that.

Do you have article related ? 
Agus Wahyu Pratomo:
Do you have article related ? 

one simplest way is to,

(your side)

  1. convert expiry datetime into unix format
  2. do some arithmetic operations on that using random numbers

(ea side)

  1. reverse those arithmetic operations and get the original unix format back.
  2. compare it with TimeCurrent() function, if answer is less than or equal to zero. EXPIRED

for arithmetic operation you will need to choose your numbers carefully, so when you reverse the steps you get the exact unix format back

PS: its just an idea, not a solution. for a proper solution, read Common Functions in documentation


one simplest way is to,

(your side)

  1. convert expiry datetime into unix format
  2. do some arithmetic operations on that using random numbers

(ea side)

  1. reverse those arithmetic operations and get the original unix format back.
  2. compare it with TimeCurrent() function, if answer is less than or equal to zero. EXPIRED

for arithmetic operation you will need to choose your numbers carefully, so when you reverse the steps you get the exact unix format back

PS: its just an idea, not a solution. for a proper solution, read Common Functions in documentation


but what i need is i can do remotely to change expire date or maybe shut off EA.

Last year i had rent ea from some one and he can do that. When i want to expand my rent, then he only setup on his side and my ea works again