calling twice a function with a "static int" causes problems


I want to use LWMA (the official LWMA in Custom Moving Averages.mq4) twice with two PERIODS, one short and one long,  and those averages will be in 2 buffers, SHORTBUFFER and LONGBUFFER,  to print them. BUT, LWMA has a "static int" and so the results of the first SHORTBUFFER are messed up. The results of the LONGBUFFER are fine.

so first I just define my arrays


double LONGBUFFER[];

   int    draw_beginSHORT=InpMAPeriodSHORT-1;

//--- indicator buffers mapping
   SetIndexBuffer(0, SHORTBUFFER );

   int    draw_beginLONG=InpMAPeriodLONG-1;

//--- indicator buffers mapping
   SetIndexBuffer(1, LONGBUFFER );

and I populate the buffers like this

CalculateLWMA(rates_total,prev_calculated, ""Some Generic array of which I want LWMA with short period",  SHORTBUFFER, InpMAPeriodSHORT );

CalculateLWMA(rates_total,prev_calculated, ""Some Generic array of which I want LWMA with long period", LONGBUFFER,  InpMAPeriodLONG );

[If I reverse the order of the calls, ie first populating LONGBUFFER, then SHORTBUFFER, then it is the LONGBUFFER which has garbage values]

and i modify slightly the official LWMA to get

//|  linear weighted moving average                                  |
void CalculateLWMA(int rates_total,int prev_calculated, double &GENERICARRAY[], &ARRAYtoPOPULATE[], CustomPERIOD)
   int        i,limit;
   static int weightsum;
   double     sum;
//--- first calculation or number of bars was changed
      //--- calculate first visible value
      double firstValue=0;
         int k=i+1;
//--- main loop
   for(i=limit; i<rates_total && !IsStopped(); i++)
      for(int j=0;j<CustomPERIOD;j++)
If I remove the ''static'' in the LWMA, then I get an error '' zero divide''' at line 

Hi and good morning,

have a look at the MQL4\Include\MovingAverages.mph - maybe this could help you.

Best regards


That's interesting I tried to populate my Buffer with the MA_arrays, but they don't get updated to the current bar. 

and I put this into this loop, like I did for " somearray__to_take_average_of "

ArraySetAsSeries( somearray__to_take_average_of, true);
int UnchangedBars = IndicatorCounted();
int ChangedBars= Bars - UnchangedBars;
for (int q=ChangedBars-1; q >= 0; q--) {

BUFFER[q]= ExponentialMA[q,  InpMAperiod,  BUFFER[q-1],  somearray__to_take_average_of ] 

If I remove the ''static'' in the LWMA, then I get an error '' zero divide''' at line 

The "zero divide" is easy to solve without static.

if(weightsum != 0)