Manually closing a signal provider's position


What happens if I manually exit a signal provider's position?  Will there be a problem when the signal provider's exit order is finally received?  Will it be interpreted as a new sell (or buy) order?  Can manually exiting positions cause me to get out of sync with the signal provider (is that possible). And, if it is possible to get out of sync then, how do I get re-synced? 

Also, what happens if I loose my connection during a time that the signal provider has entered new positions?  Will I receive them later once I reconnect?  Or, will I just receive the orders to close those (nonexistent) positions and will that cause a problem?  Will this cause a sync problem? 

BTW yes, I know I need to migrate to a VPS but, I just haven't done it yet. 

I'm sorry if this question has been answered before but, I couldn't find anything on it. 


What happens if I manually exit a signal provider's position?  Will there be a problem when the signal provider's exit order is finally received?  Will it be interpreted as a new sell (or buy) order?  Can manually exiting positions cause me to get out of sync with the signal provider (is that possible). And, if it is possible to get out of sync then, how do I get re-synced? 

Also, what happens if I loose my connection during a time that the signal provider has entered new positions?  Will I receive them later once I reconnect?  Or, will I just receive the orders to close those (nonexistent) positions and will that cause a problem?  Will this cause a sync problem? 

BTW yes, I know I need to migrate to a VPS but, I just haven't done it yet. 

I'm sorry if this question has been answered before but, I couldn't find anything on it. 

If you close your copied positions manually, without having suspended your signal subscription first, will result in re-opening these positions upon synchronization with your signal subscription.

Generally when the signal subscription is getting synchronized with your trading account, any uncopied positions will be opened/copied.

You can suspend your signal subscription here (or with a right click on it in the Navigator window):


Thanks for your answer. 

So, I guess if I disagree with the providers exit, and decide to override it, I will have to suspend the service and leave it that way until the provider exits the position on this own, otherwise the position will be re-copied.  And, if it happens often enough I guess the answer is I just need to get a different provider. 


Basicly, if you copy the signal so it means that you agree with any position of the provider.
Because copy the signal = copy the provider's position.

But if you want to close some trade manually so you should pause/suspend the subscription, and close this position.
Because if you do not pause the subscription so your closed position will be opened once again in case the provider is having it opened.

And it may be good to wait when the provider will close this position (with pausing), and in this case - the signal system will see the following:
"this position was closed for provider, and same position was closed for subscriber; synchronization made sucessfully".

But it is not recommended to close the position manually in anyway.


Thanks for your answer. 

So, I guess if I disagree with the providers exit, and decide to override it, I will have to suspend the service and leave it that way until the provider exits the position on this own, otherwise the position will be re-copied.  And, if it happens often enough I guess the answer is I just need to get a different provider. 

Yes, in short you either trust and copying a signal provider or not.

OK, got it.  Thanks guys!