Libraries: CFileSet



Extend of CFile class to work with the .set extension file which terminal will produce when the Input/Optimisation is saved.

Author: takumi


I didn't know there was somebody already have built similar project before,(

However my version of CFileSet is inherited from CFile class, additionally it supports the multiple column separated by "||" for the optimisation.

Class to provide simple reading mechanism from MetaTrader set files.

I am sure you also did not know how to implement that:

 bool              TrySetValue(const string key, TValue value);

Pleas stop stealing 'somebody' code and try to give credit.

I do not even understand the intent of that strange || thing. Please give example.


I am sure you also did not know how to implement that:

Pleas stop stealing 'somebody' code and try to give credit.

I do not even understand the intent of that strange || thing. Please give example.

Hi, thanks for the comment.

The separator || will be produced when the .set file is generated from MetaTrader5 platform, when it is numbers or enum or boolean.

You may try to produce the .set file from given ExpertAdvisor File to try it. There will be something like


in the set file written.

So the first 89 in this string are the actual parameter, and the rest is the optimisation parameter.