Get profit of last two closed positions


I have the following code to get profit of last two closed positions i can get the profit of last position but not the second last one any ideas on how to get profit from last two positions in mql5

void OnTrade()
        static int previous_open_positions = 0;
        int current_open_positions = PositionsTotal();
        if(current_open_positions < previous_open_positions)             // a position just got closed:
                previous_open_positions = current_open_positions;
                HistorySelect(TimeCurrent()-300, TimeCurrent()); // 5 minutes ago
                int All_Deals = HistoryDealsTotal();
                if(All_Deals < 1) Print("Some nasty shit error has occurred :s");
                // last deal (should be an DEAL_ENTRY_OUT type):
                ulong temp_Ticket = HistoryDealGetTicket(All_Deals-1); 
                // here check some validity factors of the position-closing deal 
                // (symbol, position ID, even MagicNumber if you care...)
                double LAST_TRADE_PROFIT = HistoryDealGetDouble(temp_Ticket , DEAL_PROFIT);
                Print("Last Trade Profit : ", DoubleToString(LAST_TRADE_PROFIT));
        else if(current_open_positions > previous_open_positions)       // a position just got opened:
                previous_open_positions = current_open_positions; 
#include <MT4Orders.mqh> //

input int inAmountLastOrders = 2;

void OnTrade()
  static int PrevTotal = 0;
  const int NewTotal = OrdersHistoryTotal();
  if (PrevTotal < NewTotal)
    const int FirstIndex = NewTotal - inAmountLastOrders;
    for (int i = NewTotal - 1; i >= FirstIndex; i--)
      if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY))
        Print("Last (" + (string)i + ") Trade Profit : ", DoubleToString(OrderProfit(), 2));
    PrevTotal = NewTotal;

Thanks mate it works

Does this give Last trade profit of current symbol or overall last traded pair profit?
True. The function has no filtering.