Please help why Custom Indicator and Class values differ, though used the same calculation !!! (Reposted)


NOTE: REPOSTED, as earlier one Deleted by mistake (and dont know how to undo that)

Dear Forum Members

I have tough time to locate why my Class Object created gives different values then Custom Indicator values, even though I have used the same calculation code in both of them.

I have attached Custom Indicator, Class Object and EA to run for easy debugging.

Any help will be highly appreciated.


You could at least post information about your issue, screenshot, logs, etc..

I will not download 3 files and start debugging them without even knowing what you are talking about.

Alain Verleyen:

You could at least post information about your issue, screenshot, logs, etc..

I will not download 3 files and start debugging them without even knowing what you are talking about.

Thanks Alain for your response and below is the screen shot. Marked with RED, the Indicator EMA(5) [iFx_VW_3EMAs.mq5] values on the left of chart and below is calculated values using Class Object [FxCiVW_MA.mqh].

I have created an EA [EATest_CiVW_MA.mq5] to return values from the Class Object.

The issue is values returned by Class are not same as values from Indicator. I am not expert but feels, is ArraySetAsSeries is causing this problem?

I have also used two separate arrays for volume and VWPrice values, instead of using two dimensional array, per your suggestion in another post. However I could not get hold of using struc instead of two dimensional array.

I have copied & pasted the Indicator + Class Code for your easy viewing reference without downloading them.

//| FxCiVW_MA.mqh
//| CLASS to return 'Volume Weighted Moving Average' Indicator values
class FxCiVW_MA
  //--- class variable for parameters
    string              m_Symbol;             // Symbol
    ENUM_TIMEFRAMES     m_TimeFrame;          // Timeframe
    int                 m_MAPeriod;           // Period
    //int                 m_MAShift;            // Shift
    //ENUM_MA_METHOD      m_MAMethod;           // Moving Average method
    ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE  m_MAAppliedPrice;     //
  //--- Instance of other Class(s)
    //CLog*             m_log;                // Logging

  //--- Parametric Contstructor and default Destructor methods
                        FxCiVW_MA(string pSymbol,ENUM_TIMEFRAMES pTimeFrame,int pMAPeriod);
  //--- Specific methods of Class FxCiVW_MA
    bool                Get_iVW_EMA(int pBarStart,int pBarCount,double &VW_EMA[]);
//| METHOD:       FxCiVW_MA()
//| APPLICATION:  'parametric constructor' method with parameters passed into the Class
FxCiVW_MA::FxCiVW_MA(string pSymbol,ENUM_TIMEFRAMES pTimeFrame,int pMAPeriod)
    m_Symbol         = pSymbol;
    m_TimeFrame      = pTimeFrame;
    m_MAPeriod       = pMAPeriod;
    //m_MAShift        = pMAShift;
    //m_MAAppliedPrice = pAppliedPrice;
    //m_log = CLog::GetLog();
  } // END Of FxCiVW_MA()
//| METHOD:       FxCiVW_MA()
//| APPLICATION:  default destructor method
  } // END Of ~FxCiVW_MA()
//| METHOD:       Get_iVW_EMA()
//| APPLICATION:  Calculate VW EMA values
bool FxCiVW_MA::Get_iVW_EMA(int pBarStart,int pBarCount,double &VW_EMA[])
    double aPrice[], aVolume[];

    double multiplier = 2.0/(1.0 + m_MAPeriod);
  //| Main Calculation Block for VW EMA Values
    //for(int i=(int)MathMax(prev_calculated-1,0); i < rates_total; i++)
    for(int i=(int)MathMax(pBarStart-1,0); i < pBarCount; i++)
        double vol   = (double)iVolume(m_Symbol,m_TimeFrame,i);   // tick volume by default
        double price = iClose(m_Symbol,m_TimeFrame,i);

        if(i < 2)   // avoid Zero bar, as it keeps changing and affect the Average Value
            aPrice[i]  = (vol * price);
            aVolume[i] = (vol);
        aPrice[i]  = aPrice[i-1]  + multiplier * (vol * price - aPrice[i-1]);
        aVolume[i] = aVolume[i-1] + multiplier * (vol         - aVolume[i-1]);
        VW_EMA[i]  = aPrice[i] / aVolume[i];
      } // ENF Of for ... loop
  } // END Of Get_iVW_EMA() method
//| iFx VW_3EMAs.mq5
  #property description "Volume Weighted Exponential Moving Average Indicator"
  #property description "3 EMAs ... EMA Fastest, EMA Fast and EMA Slow"

  #property indicator_chart_window
  #property indicator_buffers 3
  #property indicator_plots   3
  //| #property for Plotting Indicator Labels in SubWindow
  //--- Properties for EMAFastest
    #property indicator_type1   DRAW_LINE
    #property indicator_color1  clrOrange
    #property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
    #property indicator_width1  1
  //--- Properties for EMAFast
    #property indicator_type2   DRAW_LINE
    #property indicator_color2  clrOrange
    #property indicator_style2  STYLE_SOLID
    #property indicator_width2  2
  //--- Properties for EMASlow
    #property indicator_type3   DRAW_LINE
    #property indicator_color3  clrOrange
    #property indicator_style3  STYLE_SOLID
    #property indicator_width3  3
//| Define Input Parameters
  input int                 inpMAPeriod_Fastest = 5;        // Averaging period
  input int                 inpMAPeriod_Fast    = 8;        // Averaging period
  input int                 inpMAPeriod_Slow    = 13;       // Averaging period
  input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE  inpAppliedPrice     = PRICE_CLOSE;
  input bool                inpVolumeReal       = false;    // if 'true' = use real volume
//| Define Indicator Handle(s) and Buffer(s)
  double EMAFastest[], EMAFast[], EMASlow[];
//| Custom indicator initialization function
int OnInit()

   IndicatorSetString(INDICATOR_SHORTNAME,"iFx VW 3EMAs ("+string(inpMAPeriod_Fastest)+") ("+string(inpMAPeriod_Fast)+") ("+string(inpMAPeriod_Slow)+")");
   PlotIndexSetString(0,PLOT_LABEL,"VW EMA ("+(string)inpMAPeriod_Fastest+")");
   PlotIndexSetString(1,PLOT_LABEL,"VW EMA ("+(string)inpMAPeriod_Fast+")");
   PlotIndexSetString(2,PLOT_LABEL,"VW EMA ("+(string)inpMAPeriod_Slow+")");
  //| define local variables
    double aPriceFastest[], aVolumeFastest[];
    double aPriceFast[],    aVolumeFast[];
    double aPriceSlow[],    aVolumeSlow[];
//| Custom indicator iteration function
int OnCalculate(const int         rates_total,
                const int         prev_calculated,
                const datetime&   time[],
                const double&     open[],
                const double&     high[],
                const double&     low[],
                const double&     close[],
                const long&       tick_volume[],
                const long&       volume[],
                const int&        spread[])
    double alphaMAFastest = 2.0/(1.0 + inpMAPeriod_Fastest);
    double alphaMAFast    = 2.0/(1.0 + inpMAPeriod_Fast);
    double alphaMASlow    = 2.0/(1.0 + inpMAPeriod_Slow);



  //| Main Calculation Block for VW EMA Values
    for(int i=(int)MathMax(prev_calculated-1,0); i < rates_total; i++)
        double vol;
        double price = getPrice(inpAppliedPrice,open,close,high,low,i,rates_total);

          vol = (double)volume[i];
          vol = (double)tick_volume[i];          
        if(i < 2)   // avoid Zero bar, as it keeps changing and affect the Average Value
            aPriceFastest[i]  = (vol * price);
            aVolumeFastest[i] = (vol);

            aPriceFast[i]     = (vol * price);
            aVolumeFast[i]    = (vol);

            aPriceSlow[i]     = (vol * price);
            aVolumeSlow[i]    = (vol);


        aPriceFastest[i]  = aPriceFastest[i-1]  + alphaMAFastest * (vol * price - aPriceFastest[i-1]);
        aVolumeFastest[i] = aVolumeFastest[i-1] + alphaMAFastest * (vol         - aVolumeFastest[i-1]);
        EMAFastest[i] = aPriceFastest[i] / aVolumeFastest[i];

        aPriceFast[i]  = aPriceFast[i-1]  + alphaMAFast * (vol * price - aPriceFast[i-1]);
        aVolumeFast[i] = aVolumeFast[i-1] + alphaMAFast * (vol         - aVolumeFast[i-1]);
        EMAFast[i] = aPriceFast[i] / aVolumeFast[i];

        aPriceSlow[i]  = aPriceSlow[i-1]  + alphaMASlow * (vol * price - aPriceSlow[i-1]);
        aVolumeSlow[i] = aVolumeSlow[i-1] + alphaMASlow * (vol         - aVolumeSlow[i-1]);
        EMASlow[i] = aPriceSlow[i] / aVolumeSlow[i];
      } // ENF Of for ... loop

//| Function getPrice()                                                                  

double workHa[][4];
double getPrice(ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE price, const double& open[], const double& close[], const double& high[],
                const double& low[], int i, int bars)
   switch (price)
      case PRICE_CLOSE:     return(close[i]);
      case PRICE_OPEN:      return(open[i]);
      case PRICE_HIGH:      return(high[i]);
      case PRICE_LOW:       return(low[i]);
      case PRICE_MEDIAN:    return((high[i]+low[i])/2.0);
      case PRICE_TYPICAL:   return((high[i]+low[i]+close[i])/3.0);
      case PRICE_WEIGHTED:  return((high[i]+low[i]+close[i]+close[i])/4.0);
      //case pr_average:   return((high[i]+low[i]+close[i]+open[i])/4.0);

Indicator and Calculated Values in ClassObject