Close trades on all charts


Hi There fellow coders,

I have been working on a correlation EA, well it is two different EA's on two correlated pairs( separate charts) Once the two open trades come into a total profit I want to close both the trades. 

The problem I am having is I can't see how to identify the two trades on either of the charts to to take an overall profit. So my next experiment was to see if I could have a seperate EA on another chart that closes EA's with the same magic number across open charts once they come into overall profit. I have spent hours looking through MQL4 reference to find a command that I could link open charts or something but can't seem to find anything. Is it possible?? even if someone could give me a hint it would be much appreciated. 



You can use a time ticker

//|Initialisation function                                           |
void init()

To check every 1 second (you can't go less than 1 second with  OnTimer)

//|                                                                  |
void OnTimer()
        for(int i=0; i<OrdersTotal(); i++)
        if(!OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS)) break;
		Do somwthnig....

You can check the order comment or the MagicNumber or whatever you need


You can use a time ticker

To check every 1 second (you can't go less than 1 second with  OnTimer)

You can check the order comment or the MagicNumber or whatever you need

great thanks, think I've got it

SubZer0: You can use a time ticker To check every 1 second (you can't go less than 1 second with  OnTimer) You can check the order comment or the MagicNumber or whatever you need

You can go less than 1 second. Just use "EventSetMillisecondTimer()"!

Fernando Carreiro:

You can go less than 1 second. Just use "EventSetMillisecondTimer()"!

Thank you for the hint

Adam Woods:

great thanks, think I've got it


is not correct because it check the first 3 character of the comment use this one:

if(OrderComment() == "Pippo")

If you need more help just ask