HELP NEEDED: EA user files don't seem to be migrating to VPS


Good day all and complement of the Season. My EA user-created files don't seem to be migrating to VPS. This is the file I created using the FileWrite() command. Please any reason and a possible way out.

Can someone give me an example of how to use the    #property tester_file "<file_name>"  code. Thanks in advance.

My files are in the following form. How can I possibly specify it with #property?

int MacdPassHandle = FileOpen(StringConcatenate("MACDPassFile ", ChartSymbol(currChart), ".txt"),FILE_READ|FILE_TXT); MacdPassValue = (int) FileReadString(MacdPassHandle);FileClose(MacdPassHandle);
MacdPassHandle = FileOpen(StringConcatenate("MACDPassFile ", ChartSymbol(currChart), ".txt"),FILE_WRITE|FILE_TXT); FileWrite(MacdPassHandle, 1);FileClose(MacdPassHandle);

Good day all and complement of the Season. My EA user-created files don't seem to be migrating to VPS. This is the file I created using the FileWrite() command. Please any reason and a possible way out.

Can someone give me an example of how to use the    #property tester_file "<file_name>"  code. Thanks in advance.

My files are in the following form. How can I possibly specify it?

Is it ok to declare as follows even though the file has not been declared globally?

      string MyFile = StringConcatenate("MACDPassFile ", ChartSymbol(currChart), ".txt")
      #property tester_file MyFile  
or maybe the following:
#property tester_file <StringConcatenate("MACDPassFile ", ChartSymbol(currChart), ".txt")>
But even that did not work.
Any element inside your code starting with # are pre-compiler directives and cannot contain code that needs execution at the time of the first compiling pass.

Here some insights:

It is important to understand the difference of pre compile phase and compile phase.

Although they are both in the same file, they are processed at different stages.

Hope this helps.
Dominik Egert:
Any element inside your code starting with # are pre-compiler directives and cannot contain code that needs execution at the time of the first compiling pass.

Here some insights:

It is important to understand the difference of pre compile phase and compile phase.

Although they are both in the same file, they are processed at different stages.

Hope this helps.
It helps. Thanks