Is it possible to earn million dollars from few 100 dollars in forex? - page 3

It is possible if u are one of the 5% and you earn that amount from the 95%.
Nothing is impossible, very achievable theoretically, but hard in practice. Compounding your profit of 4% daily for 200 trading days in a year starting with $450 will make you a millionaire. With an effective strategy, supportive broker and luck, but we are the one that can hinder ourselves from achieving this getting greedy, letting the market run waiting to catch the top and bottom.

Some traders in Malaysia / Indonesia and Singapore...are milking this market like crazy... around $1m per week.

I made $1m ...lost a good chunk of it though...starting afresh..

 FX trading is the best business in the world. 

i am so sad, i have lose 13,000 in forex as a newbiz, pls advise is it consider a lot?

yES. but it takes a lot of " know how".  first of all, u MUST understand the market 100% ,90+ will not do because spot fx has zero tolerance for mistakes of any takes a lot of discipline too

 A lot of time must be dedicated


Some traders in Malaysia / Indonesia and Singapore...are milking this market like crazy... around $1m per week.

I made $1m ...lost a good chunk of it though...starting afresh..

 FX trading is the best business in the world. 

yes, Fx trading is the best Money Machine, no others :D
It is possible if u are one of the 5% and you earn that amount from the 95%.
Main subjects in the forex market are banks that have the currencies and commercials that need exchange every time they buy/sell in foreign countries.
A speculative trader don't earn directly from other traders.

No way, Jose! Don't believe this "fake dream"!

I started from 2.000€ and I have doubled my account in some months... I don't know what to tell you. I hope one day I will reach that level. From 100$, just try it. Why not? Be constant and patient.
i am so sad, i have lose 13,000 in as a newbiz, pls advise is it consider a lot?
As a newbie I lost money too. Maybe you need to try in a Demo account for a while before trading again. 
May be you can... if you win and have a skill or 3 to 5 years to get in million on forex account !