[Bug] MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MARGINREQUIRED) return -92233720368547760



from time to time, when switching account I am encountering a bug using latest MT4 build 1320,

MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MARGINREQUIRED) is returning -92233720368547760 ( = - 0x 147ae 147ae 147b0 )

GetLastError() returns 0 ( no error ), so this negative  0x 147ae147ae147b0 value is not supposed to happen.

I presume this should be a non official error code.

Does anymore know what this value is seen as it should not.

Thank you


Philippe Pauleau: MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MARGINREQUIRED) is returning -92233720368547760 ( = - 0x 147ae 147ae 147b0 )

MarketInfo returns a double. No idea where you are getting that number from. Show your code.

William Roeder:

MarketInfo returns a double. No idea where you are getting that number from. Show your code.

Nothing complicated


Works 99% of time when changing account returning the margin of the current symbol.

1% of time is returning -92233720368547760

I suspect something like symbol is not yet ready and MarketInfo cannot give the Margin ( despite IsConnected is true ), but this returned value -92233720368547760 is not supposed to happen and does not exist in the official error list.

And GetLastError() reports 0 ( No error )

For now I am using this piece of code as a workaround

   while( MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MARGINREQUIRED) < 0 ) RefreshRates();

I've not seen this bug again since I am using MT4 build 1323

I am upgrading to build 1324 today