Libraries: MultiSort - sorting algorithm


MultiSort - sorting algorithm:

A sorter class to sort an array based on other arrays.

Author: amrali


Update 8 Jan 2021:

Zero-out all optional keys to avoid unnecessary comparisons.

Code is now much simpler with improved speed of sorting.


Update 2 April 2021:

Sort small partitions using recursion and do tail recursion elimination for large partitions.

This guarantees O(logn) space complexity and avoids stack overflow with huge arrays.


Update 2 April 2021:

Sort small partitions using recursion and do tail recursion elimination for large partitions.

This guarantees O(logn) space complexity and avoids stack overflow with huge arrays.

Hi, do you have MQL4 version? Thanks.

Joel Protusada:

Hi, do you have MQL4 version? Thanks.

The library should work also with MQL4.

very usefull. Thanks.
very useful, Thanks for sharing knowledge