Indicators: Deviation Rate BIAS MT5


Deviation Rate BIAS MT5:

Stock trading indicators. BIAS.

Author: Hung Wen Lin


This CODE freeze MT5 Terminal.

Not Working


Could you take screenshot and point where problem is. Then I will fix it.

Indicator works fine. Thank you!
Indicator works fine. Thank you!

Thank you, I'm happy if it can help you trade.

Hung Wen Lin:

Could you take screenshot and point where problem is. Then I will fix it.

Bro , it is working , MY MT5 terminal had problem. thanks


Bro , it is working , MY MT5 terminal had problem. thanks

Good,I'm happy if it can help you trade.

How can I download this indicator
How can I download this indicator

There is a link on the first comment.

is the calculation made by division or multiplicatoin
Kelly B:
is the calculation made by division or multiplicatoin

You can see code.