Your application has been rejected



I was verified for over 6 months now and was selling products on the website. Today when I checked my seller's profile I saw this message :

our application has been rejected

Sorry, your application has not passed automated checks and has been rejected. You have correctly filled the required data, but the Verified User status could not be granted to you for security and service transparency reasons.

Please do not create a new account for a repeated application. All checks are performed automatically.

We do not provide specific reasons for the rejection. Thank you for understanding.

What is going on? Why suddenly my application got rejected "without" any apparent reason and "without" any specific reason being provided?

How can I solve this issue?


You can read more on the topic in the following link:
Your application has been rejected
Your application has been rejected
  • 2020.03.14
hi, i tried to register as seller and for couple of time the picture wasn't approved and then my Application got rejected Anyone Know what cause it...