None of the Experts I D/L are working??

I have not been able to get any of the experts to run on their own. A few months ago I was using  either Fireball or Yellow Free both from the market. They worked on a demo account and then I came home one day and they just seemed to stop working. I messed around with it after waiting a few more days to see if they would kick back up. They of course never did. So I took a break from trading. That was about two or three months ago. Now I've opened up an actual live account and downloaded the same ones and they aren't working. I've gone as far as making a seperate demo account to see if it had anything to do with how much I had in my live account and even a demo account with $100,000 its still not working. I've also ensured that the live trading option is ticked and that auto trading is ON. Still are not working. I also have to tried using different robots and still nothing. Any help? Thanks in advance.