Why did Euro Lost Strength

After lot of waiting for Euro to Buy , we found out that Euro has lost strength , Why ?
After lot of waiting for Euro to Buy , we found out that Euro has lost strength , Why ?
Because of Draghi
My understanding is that the Euro weakened because it is deemed so expensive that it is hindering eurozone exports.
My understanding is that the Euro weakened because it is deemed so expensive that it is hindering eurozone exports.
absolutely right
After lot of waiting for Euro to Buy , we found out that Euro has lost strength , Why ?
Because the actual worth of an euro is zero.
Because the actual worth of an euro is zero.
Pretty solid argumet, and I would have to agree... Is the Euro failing? Why did the crisis that began in USA cripple euro zone so badly, but left USA with lesser impact? This seems unfair, no?
Pretty solid argumet, and I would have to agree... Is the Euro failing? Why did the crisis that began in USA cripple euro zone so badly, but left USA with lesser impact? This seems unfair, no?
After lot of waiting for Euro to Buy , we found out that Euro has lost strength , Why ?
Cause negative interest of Euro
After lot of waiting for Euro to Buy , we found out that Euro has lost strength , Why ?
In long term, Euro continue to weaken
Euro lost strength, until it will grow up again, then lost strength...This is speculation there is no objective reason.