how compare a time frame ?


hi guys  i try to compare  the time frame  for exclude 3 type of time frame  but not  work i tryed also with use  a second like but nothing , whats wrong ?

sinput ENUM_TIMEFRAMES TimeFrameChoice=PERIOD_CURRENT;// Timeframe
void OnInit()
  Print ("il periodo e questo "+TimeFrameChoice);
   if(( TimeFrameChoice!=10080)||(TimeFrameChoice!=43200)||(TimeFrameChoice!=1440))
      if(Period() != TimeFrameChoice)
         ChartSetSymbolPeriod(0,Symbol(),TimeFrameChoice);  // imposto il timeframe

        MessageBox("Non puoi usare il daily e il weekly e il montly ");
//--- period detector
      case PERIOD_M1:
         //Do Something...
      case PERIOD_M5:
         //Do Something...
      case PERIOD_M15:
         //Do Something...
      case PERIOD_M30:
         //Do Something...
      case PERIOD_H1:
         //Do Something...
      case PERIOD_H4:
         //Do Something...
      case PERIOD_D1:
         //Do Something...
      case PERIOD_W1:
         //Do Something...
      case PERIOD_MN1:
         //Do Something...

is not possible use if ?

Of course it is.

i use  this  costruct


but  not respect it 


I have no idea what you are trying to do.

If you want to check the TimeFrame use Period();


is  simple  code    when attach  indicator  choice by menu  a time frame   with this code

sinput ENUM_TIMEFRAMES TimeFrameChoice=PERIOD_CURRENT;// Timeframe

after choice if  you choice  weekle  dayly  or monthly 

popup  error message and detach indicator

void OnInit()
  Print ("il periodo e questo "+TimeFrameChoice);
      if(Period() != TimeFrameChoice)
         ChartSetSymbolPeriod(0,Symbol(),TimeFrameChoice);  // imposto il timeframe

        MessageBox("Non puoi usare il daily e il weekly e il montly ");
          bool RetKill=ChartIndicatorDelete(0,0,"Screener");
sinput ENUM_TIMEFRAMES TimeFrameChoice=PERIOD_CURRENT;// Timeframe

void OnInit(){

   if(( TimeFrameChoice!=10080)||(TimeFrameChoice!=43200)||(TimeFrameChoice!=1440)){
      if(Period() != TimeFrameChoice)
  1. PERIOD_CURRENT is the value of zero.  It will always be not equal to Period().
          ENUM_TIMEFRAMES tfc = TimeFrameChoice == PERIOD_CURRENT
                              ? ENUM_TIMEFRAMES(_Period)
                              : TimeFrameChoice;
          if(Period() != tfc)      
    //    if(Period() != TimeFrameChoice)
  2. Don't hard code numbers, use the enumeration.

thankz  but  continue to not understund  , because  suppose

      ENUM_TIMEFRAMES tfc = TimeFrameChoice == PERIOD_CURRENT
                          ? ENUM_TIMEFRAMES(_Period)
                          : TimeFrameChoice;
      if(Period() != tfc)      
//    if(Period() != TimeFrameChoice)

the user change  timeframe at  1day   tfc =  1 day   , this condition is true

  if(Period() != tfc)      

but if  user choice  M5 also in this case is true

  if(Period() != tfc)      

i resolve in this mode

enum TimeFrame
   Time_Frame_1M  = PERIOD_M1,
   Time_Frame_5M   = PERIOD_M5,
   Time_Frame_15M   = PERIOD_M15,
   Time_Frame_30M   = PERIOD_M30,
   Time_Frame_1H  = PERIOD_H1,
   Time_Frame_4M  = PERIOD_H4,
extern TimeFrame TimeFrameChoice =  PERIOD_H1;

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
void OnInit()
       if(Period() != TimeFrameChoice)
         ChartSetSymbolPeriod(0,Symbol(),TimeFrameChoice);  // imposto il timeframe

much simple much easy to understund and do not have a cicle and more

static input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES TimeFrameChoice = PERIOD_H1;// Choose Timeframe

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
void OnInit()
       if(Period() != TimeFrameChoice )
         ChartSetSymbolPeriod(0,Symbol(),TimeFrameChoice);  // imposto il timeframe
Marco vd Heijden:
Doesn't work if the variable is set to PERIOD_CURRENT and that is what OP originally had.