Telegram API and Metatarder comunication


I know how to read from telegram api, its easy wih http request. The question which i have now is the following, what if i want to have my MT4 to get updated infos from telegram, will i need to call for example every second the telegram api to have the update, or can telegram contact my metatrader script to tell me that he have updates?

i know that its possible to let the telegram bot call for example a php file which you have to send you updates, but i guess he will not be able to call somethink like metatrader script or?

And the telegram api can not call me and if i must call the telegram api every second to be updated, will this not become a problem with the telegram api useage, because if i try to call the api from telegram every second, then they maybe block my ip or?


It's all in the documentation.

Just read it.

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