Copying a trader with another broker


Hi, I am copying a trader, but his jow jones is calles u30usd and mine is called us30cash, for some reason when he does a trade i am not copying his trade because the name is different... how can I change this?

thank you!


Hi, I am copying a trader, but his jow jones is calles u30usd and mine is called us30cash, for some reason when he does a trade i am not copying his trade because the name is different... how can I change this?

thank you!

You can't change it, if your symbol mapping doesn't copy this instrument, you should contact the signal provider for suggested broker/server setups.


Copying a trader with another borker

What does a dog have to do with anything?

William Roeder:

Copying a trader with another borker

What does a dog have to do with anything?

seems you missed one....

jow jones