Mql5 Debug not showing variables/expressions


Hi everyone, 

I'm currently facing an issue with mql5 debugging not showing me the variables or expresssions, basically the list is always empty. 

I'm running windows 10 under parallels desktop on osx, may it be the cause of the issue?

The meaningless fix with class CFix { } ExtFix; doesn't work well because of the lack of instructions and, anyway, shouldn't this to be working out of the box without any fixes? 

Anyones help would be highly appriciated!

  Debug windows missing variables

Regards, Artem.


well, I figured out there's actually a way to observe the variables by manually activating the watcher while debugging, see the file attached. 

however, the question persists: is there a way to activate somehow a watcher for all variables as you move on with debugger?? like in any other regular debugging process..

ArtemK1902: is there a way to activate somehow a watcher for all variables as you move on with debugger??
  1. No. Between your global, objects, and local variables you will have hundreds if not thousands. You wouldn't want to see all.
  2. Now that you have populated the watch list, it will have them listed on the next run.
William Roeder:
  1. No. Between your global, objects, and local variables you will have hundreds if not thousands. You wouldn't want to see all.
  2. Now that you have populated the watch list, it will have them listed on the next run.
I don't see a reason not to be wanting to see the hundreds of variables nested within different objects related to the classes, this is definitely not that well worked out, in my opinion. However, I've learned to watch the variables manually, thanks for confirmation.👍