trailing stop

Hi everyone. I am trying to implement a trailing stop. The code compiles, but the trailing stop function is not working in tester. I am trying to call the function in the very first line after OnTick, so i would assume that the function will be called every time there is a new tick. But no orders are being modified when i test the code. Can anyone spot why this is not working? 
//|                                       BreakOut in the making.mq4 |
//|                                                           Jes    |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Jes"
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict

int magicNB = 55555;

input int speed =50;// higher number = slower visual backtesting

#include  <CustomFunctions01.mqh>
//extern int stopLossMA = 20;

//Risk per Trade
extern double riskPerTrade = 0.02;//0.01 = 1% 


input double atrSLMultiplier = 1;
input double atrTPMultiplier = 2;

//range period:

extern string rangePeriodStart = "00:01";
extern string rangePeriodEnd = "08:59";

//Trailing Stop:
extern bool UseTrailingStop = false;
extern int TrailBegin = 2;
extern int TrailStep = 2;

//Definition of the Hour, this is necessary to have a drop down menu to input the hour
enum Enum_Hour{
   h00=00,     //00:00
   h01=01,     //01:00
   h02=02,     //02:00
   h03=03,     //03:00
   h04=04,     //04:00
   h05=05,     //05:00
   h06=06,     //06:00
   h07=07,     //07:00
   h08=08,     //08:00
   h09=09,     //09:00
   h10=10,     //10:00
   h11=11,     //11:00
   h12=12,     //12:00
   h13=13,     //13:00
   h14=14,     //14:00
   h15=15,     //15:00
   h16=16,     //16:00
   h17=17,     //17:00
   h18=18,     //18:00
   h19=19,     //19:00
   h20=20,     //20:00
   h21=21,     //21:00
   h22=22,     //22:00
   h23=23,     //23:00
input Enum_Hour StartHour=h08;      //Start opearation hour
input Enum_Hour LastHour=h17;       //Last operation hour
bool CheckActiveHours(){
   //Set by default the operations disabled
   bool OperationsAllowed=false;
   //Check if the current hour is between the allowed hours of operations, if so I return true
   if(StartHour==LastHour && Hour()==StartHour) OperationsAllowed=true;
   if(StartHour<LastHour && Hour()>=StartHour && Hour()<=LastHour) OperationsAllowed=true;
   if(StartHour>LastHour && ((Hour()>=LastHour && Hour()<=23) || (Hour()<=StartHour && Hour()>0))) OperationsAllowed=true;
   return OperationsAllowed;

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//backtester speed (higher number is slower)
for(int i = speed;i>0;i--){
//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()

    if (UseTrailingStop) AdjustTrail();
      // calculate high and low of range:
    void CheckForSignal(){
      datetime dtfrom=StringToTime(rangePeriodStart);
      datetime dttill=StringToTime(rangePeriodEnd);
      int ifrom=iBarShift(NULL,0,dtfrom);
      int itill=iBarShift(NULL,0,dttill);
      int ihighest=iHighest(NULL,0,MODE_HIGH,ifrom-itill,itill+1);
      int ilowest = iLowest(NULL,0,MODE_LOW, ifrom-itill,itill+1);
      // high and low values:
      double highestPrice=iHigh(NULL,0,ihighest);
      double lowestPrice = iLow(NULL,0,ilowest);
      //double stopLossMovingAvarage = iMA(NULL,0,stopLossMA,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,1);
      //ATR STOPLOSS and TP
      double atr = iATR(NULL,0,14,0);
      int ATRstopLoss = (atr*atrSLMultiplier/Point);
      double atrTP = iATR(NULL,0,14,0);
      int ATRtakeProfit = (atrTP*atrTPMultiplier/Point);
         if(CheckActiveHours()&& Ask == highestPrice && Open[0] < highestPrice )
            double lotSize = OptimalLotSize(riskPerTrade,20);
            OrderSend(NULL,OP_BUY,lotSize,highestPrice+10*Point,20,highestPrice-ATRstopLoss*Point, highestPrice+ATRtakeProfit*Point,NULL,magicNB); 
         else if(CheckActiveHours()&& Bid == lowestPrice && Open[0] > lowestPrice )
            double lotSize = OptimalLotSize(riskPerTrade,20);

//|   Trailing Stop Function                                         |
void AdjustTrail(){
   for(int i=OrdersTotal()-1;i=0;i--){
                        int err = GetLastError();
                        Print("SL modify error");
                     }// OrderModify
               }//buy order
               else if (OrderType()==OP_SELL){
               if(OrderOpenPrice()- Ask >TrailBegin*Point)
                        int err = GetLastError();
                        Print("SL modify error");
               }// sell order
            else{//in case it fails to select an order
            int err = GetLastError();
            Print("Error selecting an Order");
      }// forloop

Hi everyone. I am trying to implement a trailing stop. The code compiles, but the trailing stop function is not working in tester. I am trying to call the function in the very first line after OnTick, so i would assume that the function will be called every time there is a new tick. But no orders are being modified when i test the code. Can anyone spot why this is not working? 
for(int i=OrdersTotal()-1;i=0;i--){
You have to write i>=0
for(int i=OrdersTotal()-1;i=0;i--){

I think that you want

for(int i=OrdersTotal()-1;i>=0;i--){
Keith Watford:

I think that you want

Thank you so much for looking at the code. However, I implemented your suggestions but the trail function is still not working:( If anyone have any other ideas im happy to hear. Been going over it so many times myself, and i really cant figure out where the issue is.. 

Hi everyone. I am trying to implement a trailing stop. The code compiles, but the trailing stop function is not working in tester. I am trying to call the function in the very first line after OnTick, so i would assume that the function will be called every time there is a new tick. But no orders are being modified when i test the code. Can anyone spot why this is not working? 

//|   Trailing Stop Function                                         |
void AdjustTrail(){
   for(int i=OrdersTotal()-1;i=0;i--){
                        int err = GetLastError();
                        Print("SL modify error");

                     }// OrderModify
               }//buy order
               else if (OrderType()==OP_SELL){
               if(OrderOpenPrice()- Ask >TrailBegin*Point)
                        int err = GetLastError();
                        Print("SL modify error");
               }// sell order
            else{//in case it fails to select an order
            int err = GetLastError();
            Print("Error selecting an Order"); // Why not just use Print("Error selecting an order",GetLasterror());
      }// forloop

i wonder...were do you actually print out the error code itself in journal log using that kind of coding of yours...?

  • Better use input in favour of extern because it's deprecated and even will not show up in MT5 inputs.
  • TrailStep usually means the step size (increment) to move the trailing stop. I guess you mixed Trailing Step and Trailing Stop somewhere.
  • So TrailStop is somewhere missing in the inputs.
  • Point is mostly different from a Pip and may vary across brokers for the same security.
  • Check out some EAs in the codebase and compare their trailing stop logic to yours.

Thank you so much for looking at the code. However, I implemented your suggestions but the trail function is still not working:( If anyone have any other ideas im happy to hear. Been going over it so many times myself, and i really cant figure out where the issue is.. 

This line:


Should be:
