How do I to refresh or update the Expert Advisor when change the .ex4? - page 3

@jocafi #: Fernando Carreiro, could you please speak to the OP team about it ?

I'm not an admin nor a moderator, and apparently I have a bad reputation with the admin and some moderators, so I doubt anything I say will have any effect.

That being said, MetaTrader 4 is no longer being developed, so you should forget about such a change.

Instead see if you can research and implement the following alternative I mentioned before ...

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

How do I to refresh or update the Expert Advisor when change the .ex4?

Fernando Carreiro, 2020.01.30 02:37

As an extra note on my previous post to you, when one compiles new code on MetaEditor, MetaTrader automatically updates. So, if you can research which Win32 messages are being sent between MetaEditor and MetaTrader during that process, then you should be able to replicate that functionality to force MetaTrader to update when you upload those ".ex4" files to your hosts.

This post still shows up first on the big search engines.

I realized I had tunnel vision and could just as well just upload the mq4, instead of the ex4 and then automatically have the mq4 compiled to ex4 using a file system watcher and compile the file using the command line, thus triggering the update. Still, out of interest I used all kind of tools to see what triggered the update after compilation, but haven't been able to find it yet. If anyone does, I'm still interested to hear about it and I hope I will report it here if I do find it.