Input Signal for CandlesStoch ExtrMap


May I know what's the best practice when optimize value of  the candlesStoch extrMap variable? from what number,to what number, and what is the step?


input int            Inp_Signal_CandlesStoch_ExtrMap    =11184810;



Sets "extremum bit map" for advanced analysis of Stochastic indicator.

void  ExtrMap(
   int  map      // Bit map



[in]  The value of "Extremum bit map".


EDIT: lack of sleep and presumption I knew what I was talking about lead me to give wrong advice. Changed my response a little


It is the input variable that represents the locations of peaks and valleys of stochastic, and also RSI oscillators. Basically, this piece of data represents which series of highs to lows to look for on the oscillator. I will look further into it to see if I can find a way to optimize this parameter.

Info does seem to be scarce about this parameter's usage, after more research.


EDIT: lack of sleep and presumption I knew what I was talking about lead me to give wrong advice. Changed my response a little


It is the input variable that represents the locations of peaks and valleys of stochastic, and also RSI oscillators. Basically, this piece of data represents which series of highs to lows to look for on the oscillator. I will look further into it to see if I can find a way to optimize this parameter.

Info does seem to be scarce about this parameter's usage, after more research.

Thanks Lugner, I'm waiting for your further updates.... ;)
Thanks Lugner, I'm waiting for your further updates.... ;)
I can't find anything certain on this in docs, files or anywhere. We'll see if it has something to do with Wizard updates I guess.