Efficiently assign an Array


If I have 2+ arrays and I want to edit etc one of the arrays, how do I efficiently assign the array so I can make changes?

Lets say I have two arrays and I want to change j[0] to 10, and I've used some process to chose array "j" .... 

int i[]={1,2,3};
int j[]={1,2};
string arraytouse="j";

I don't want to use an if statement, as I would need to repeat the code for each array? And I can't assign a variable to the array.


// This wont work!

This does work ok; ArrayCopy of the selected array, make changes to the copy, then ArrayCopy back to the original .

int copy[];

copy[0]=10;  // use once for whatever array assigned


But that seems a bit cumbersome, for probably a simple task. Is there a better way?

#property strict

int i[]={1,2,3};
int j[]={1,2};

typedef void (*TVoidFunc)(const int index, const int value);

TVoidFunc        ptrArraySetter = NULL;            // ptr to the array setter

void OnStart()
    // and I've used some process to chose array "j"
    ptrArraySetter = ChangeJ;

    // Change it

    // Prove it
    PrintFormat("j[0] should be 10. It is [%d]", j[0]);

void ChangeI(const int index, const int value)
    i[index] = value;

void ChangeJ(const int index, const int value)
    j[index] = value;
Anthony Garot:

I think it's very debatable whether that's less cumbersome than the original code. Still requires a set of if conditions to assign the correct value to ptrArraySetter, and adds a requirement for each array to have a setter function. If there needed to be a getter as well as a setter, plus the multiple arrays which andrew mentions, then things start multiplying unpleasantly.

In the absence of a Javascript-like langauge where we could do...

var arrays = {
  i: [1, 2, 3],
  j: [1, 2]
var array_to_use = "i";
arrays[array_to_use][0] = 10;

... then the best answer probably depends on exactly how andrew needs to read and write the data.

It may simply be a case for a multi-dimensional array:

int arrays[2][3];  
// Assignment of initial data into the arrays gets ugly, but access is then potentially easier.
// The current "i" becomes [0][x] and the current "j" becomes [1][x]
int array_to_change = 0;
arrays[array_to_change][0] = 10;

Or there may be a case for wrapping the array/data in a class, and making changes via object pointers. 


I think it's very debatable whether that's less cumbersome than the original code. Still requires a set of if conditions to assign the correct value to ptrArraySetter, and adds a requirement for each array to have a setter function. If there needed to be a getter as well as a setter, plus the multiple arrays which andrew mentions, then things start multiplying unpleasantly.

In the absence of a Javascript-like langauge where we could do...

... then the best answer probably depends on exactly how andrew needs to read and write the data.

It may simply be a case for a multi-dimensional array:

Or there may be a case for wrapping the array/data in a class, and making changes via object pointers. 

'j' - pointer to this function type is not supported yet        ArrayFill.mq5   36      62
I tried ...
Anthony Garot:

Why all these complications ? I missed something maybe.

void OnStart()
   int i[]= {1,2,3};
   int j[]= {1,2};
void SetArrayValue(int array[],int index,int value)
   if(index>=ArraySize(array)) return;

Alain Verleyen:

Why all these complications ?

OP seemed to want a solution using a pointer to an array, so I showed a way that could be done.

As you have shown, and JC intimated, there are other ways to tackle the problem. The OP now has many options.


Thanks all. As Anthony says, I think, there are many different solution depending on the problems. I liked Alain's as I could understand it straight away!