A recursive function does not work as I expect it


This recursive function should return "1" in the first call (with "3"), but it still returns "false" ("0").

int init()


 Print ("3: ",recursiveFunction(3));

 Print("12: ",recursiveFunction(12));
 Print("25: ",recursiveFunction(25));

bool recursiveFunction (int a=0, int counter=1)


 if (a+3==15)

  Print ("Attempt # ",counter," was successful.");

  return (true);

 else if (a<12)
  recursiveFunction (a+1,counter);
 else return (false);


25: 0
12: 1
Attempt # 1 was successful.
3: 0
Attempt # 9 was successful.

Please let me know why this happens.

With any value of "a" that is less than 12 the function should still return "true" eventually, I think.

Thank you.

When you recurse, you do not return anything.