Terminal Customisation

Would it possible for the developers to add an option to the 'Terminal' so that instead of it being black and white, have it the same as the app with respective colours (blue / red) for buy / sell trades and profit / loss ?
Or is there a script out there that can do this?

Most the color options you can set exist at Properties chart window< F8>  at Color tab.

Or you can set any color you want with MQl5 code. 

bool  ChartSetInteger( 
   long   chart_id,     // Chart ID 
   int    prop_id,      // Property ID 
   long   value         // Value 
bool  ChartSetInteger( 
   long   chart_id,     // Chart ID 
   int    prop_id,      // Property ID 
   int    sub_window,   // Subwindow number 
   long   value         // Value 

Most the color options you can set exist at Properties chart window< F8>  at Color tab.

Or you can set any color you want with MQl5 code. 

Thanks but I mean the Terminal itself, not the charts
Right, The word "Terminal" in MT5 means your computer that you are using. Most you can do with it is in Option> Setting, check memory, connected or not, trade allowed, all general stuffs etc.
There is no color setting for Terminal. Only on Chart you can.
Right, The word "Terminal" in MT5 means your computer that you are using. Most you can do with it is in Option> Setting, check memory, connected or not, trade allowed, all general stuffs etc.
There is no color setting for Terminal. Only on Chart you can.
Hence the question in the first place to the developers of mt4, or anyone that might have a script for this.
Perhaps you should first read a post properly before jumping in and giving your irrelevant two cents worth. Thanks
Ray Gubler:
Hence the question in the first place to the developers of mt4, or anyone that might have a script for this.
Perhaps you should first read a post properly before jumping in and giving your irrelevant two cents worth. Thanks

Perhaps you should explain better what you mean before being unpleasant with people trying to help you.

MT4 development is stopped, there will never be new things. MT4 can't be customized by a script.

Ray i was wondering the same thing. The numbers are so hard to read in Tablet mode. Much easier in Mobile mode to read profit or loss if it's red or blue.