Connected but Not getting any work / passes using MetaTester Strategy Tester Agent


Hi, wondering if anyone can help, I use the Meta Tester Strategy Agent on two PCs, a Desktop and Notebook

I sell my computing resources to the Cloud Network.

I'm not getting any passes or work from the Cloud Network for MetaTester 5 Agents Manager Build 2085

Specs (Desktop + Notebook):

OS: Windows 10 Pro + Home version 1903 (May 2019 Update)

CPU: Intel i7 7700 + Intel i5 8250

RAM: 32GB DDR4 + 12GB DDR4

GPU: Nvidia GTX970 + MX130

Is no work being assigned to those who've updated to Windows 10 Version 1903 (May 2019 Update)?

If W10 v1903 is enabled to receive work, could something on MQL5's end (or mine) be blocking my work agents from receiving work / therefore no passes?

Any help, feedback, assistance or support would be greatly appreciated.

I hope someone can help me get things up and running smoothly...

Thanks in Advance.....

Distributed Computing in the MQL5 Cloud Network
Distributed Computing in the MQL5 Cloud Network
Today's computers spend most of their time idle and do not use all the features of their CPU. Now you can benefit from the spare power of your PC. You can sell your computer's CPU time to other members of our network community for a variety of tasks like optimizing Expert Advisors optimization or developing mathematical models. Join the MQL5...
Alfred Penny:

Hi, wondering if anyone can help, I use the Meta Tester Strategy Agent on two PCs, a Desktop and Notebook

I sell my computing resources to the Cloud Network.

I'm not getting any passes or work from the Cloud Network for MetaTester 5 Agents Manager Build 2085

Specs (Desktop + Notebook):

OS: Windows 10 Pro + Home version 1903 (May 2019 Update)

CPU: Intel i7 7700 + Intel i5 8250

RAM: 32GB DDR4 + 12GB DDR4

GPU: Nvidia GTX970 + MX130

Is no work being assigned to those who've updated to Windows 10 Version 1903 (May 2019 Update)?

If W10 v1903 is enabled to receive work, could something on MQL5's end (or mine) be blocking my work agents from receiving work / therefore no passes?

Any help, feedback, assistance or support would be greatly appreciated.

I hope someone can help me get things up and running smoothly...

Thanks in Advance.....

Hi Alfred. Did you find the work around for this? I am having the same problem!

Alfred Penny:

Hi, wondering if anyone can help, I use the Meta Tester Strategy Agent on two PCs, a Desktop and Notebook

I sell my computing resources to the Cloud Network.

I'm not getting any passes or work from the Cloud Network for MetaTester 5 Agents Manager Build 2085

Specs (Desktop + Notebook):

OS: Windows 10 Pro + Home version 1903 (May 2019 Update)

CPU: Intel i7 7700 + Intel i5 8250

RAM: 32GB DDR4 + 12GB DDR4

GPU: Nvidia GTX970 + MX130

Is no work being assigned to those who've updated to Windows 10 Version 1903 (May 2019 Update)?

If W10 v1903 is enabled to receive work, could something on MQL5's end (or mine) be blocking my work agents from receiving work / therefore no passes?

Any help, feedback, assistance or support would be greatly appreciated.

I hope someone can help me get things up and running smoothly...

Thanks in Advance.....

You should carefully read the help: "You can sell your computer's CPU time to other members of our network community for a variety of tasks like optimizing Expert Advisors optimization or developing mathematical models."

In other words - MQL5 Cloud Network this is not currency mining, you just give up powers that are idle.

Example how my computer

MetaTrader 5 x64 build 2485 started for MetaQuotes Software Corp.
Windows 10 build 19041, Intel Core i7-9750H  @ 2.60GHz, 25 / 31 Gb memory, 1698 / 1861 Gb disk, IE 11, UAC, GMT+2

receives tasks:

