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Alain Verleyen:

I am doing very well, thanks for your concern.

If you see insults in what I posted I am suggesting you to read it again with an open mind and without anger or bad feelings. The wrong direction of this topic comes from your attitude, and because I dared to bring it to your attention.

You got help, firstly from Sergey which is doing what he can, notably he provided you a link to a post where I personally demonstrated that MT4 is working very well with SSL and port 465 on GMail, it's seems you don't have check this link, as later you repeat what some misinformed and or incompetent people broadcast on forum (that's what I called stupidities, because they are).

In my first answer, I also helped you trying to explain that maybe MT4 is not compatible for some reason with CPanel. Did you bother to check ?

Marco also helped you, proposing you some things and asking questions. You don't bother to answer him.

You have to usual "complaining" attitude, where all others people are guilty and responsible about your frustration. That's not a good attitude and you will not solve your issue with it.

About Metaquotes I agree with you, but that's how it is and it will not change, each year it becomes worst, we have all to deal with it.

Really? Get over yourself already.

You're the only one here who's, somehow, finding offence from what I said and throwing around insults.

It's not complaining when it's based on facts, lean the difference and put away that moral police badge huh.


Alain Verleyen

Thank you, you are right port 465 works. 

Alain Verleyen
Alain Verleyen
  • 2023.12.12
Trader's profile