Indicators: Basket Viewer-View Statistics on groups of Long and Short Pairs


Basket Viewer-View Statistics on groups of Long and Short Pairs:

User may enter up to 50 symbols from their market watch in either a long or short basket for viewing. The symbols for the chart can be changed to any symbol in the display with a click on the symbol. Statistics including ATR for the chart period, points gained or lost from a weeks start and position gains or losses and lots exposure are displayed. The statistics week may be changed with simple clicks on the display, and the display may be dragged and dropped to different locations. The load on quote processing is kept low by simply posting an event that starts the processing for a display update.

Basket Viewer-View Statistics on groups of Long and Short Pairs

Author: LukeB


Version 1.01 fixes a two bugs: the points display and changing the color.

Version 1.02 adds an event timer to ensure the display is updated at least every second; If your chart is not receiving quotes, but other symbols are, this ensures updates occur for the other symbols.


@ Luke B  :  Vielen Dank für das Teilen von deinem Tool. Dein Tool hilft mir sehr beim Täglichen Handel. 

Sehr gute Arbeit,Danke.

Peter Lenherr:

@ Luke B: Thanks for sharing your tool. Your tool helps me a lot with Daily Trading.

Very good job, thank you.

This is an English language forum.

Please only post in English.

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LukeB 2019.05.28 01:56 | ban      EN

Version 1.01 fixes a two bugs: the points display and changing the color.

Version 1.02 adds an event timer to ensure the display is updated at least every second; If your chart is not receiving quotes, but other symbols are, this ensures updates occur for the other symbols.

Thank you for sharing the Statistics Tool for free. I can work with your tool quickly and easily because I can operate the tool directly in the chart.

The tool runs fine and without errors. Good work.


Dear LukeB ;

                  Thank you very much for your awesome tool, can i request  if I would like to set option start from 3 CANDLE ago, 2 CANDLE ago, etc,


Hi Luke, Great Basket Indy...any chance you could make a daily version? TIA


Hello please, is it possible have this modify: Indicator sends a notify when on the same Magic Number there are more than N trades on Long or Q trades on Short (with N and Q settable on Indicator Panel [Ctrl+I]);

Waiting for your kindly reply


Hello please, is it possible have this modify: Indicator sends a notify when on the same Magic Number there are more than N trades on Long or Q trades on Short (with N and Q settable on Indicator Panel [Ctrl+I]);

Waiting for your kindly reply

Sure, it would be possible, but that seems to me like a different indicator (or a function that should be in your EA) and very easy to make.  Also - you have the code, its not very complicated - Modify as you wish.
You could check the Magic Number and count inside " void DetectPositionValue(Pairs_Arrays& pair_struc) ".
