fraud seller

 2019.05.01 19:00

i purchased product ea on dated 29/04/2019 number 6082914/6082915 of 30$ through paypal but product not work mt5.

i try mt5 XM,Pepperstone and FBS but product not work. seller( ) delete this product and not support me.

Please cancelled this product and refund me my purchasing cost 30$.

seller is cheating.very bad seller.

seller delete product semiscalpel EA.

Please contact servicedesk for this.
I complaint service desk seller name 
satya prakash gupta:
 2019.05.01 19:00

i purchased product ea on dated 29/04/2019 number 6082914/6082915 of 30$ through paypal but product not work mt5.

i try mt5 XM,Pepperstone and FBS but product not work. seller( ) delete this product and not support me.

Please cancelled this product and refund me my purchasing cost 30$.

seller is cheating.very bad seller.

seller delete product semiscalpel EA.

You should be able to claim a refund through PayPal if the MQL5 people refuse to help you, but try that first.

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satya prakash gupta:
 2019.05.01 19:00

i purchased product ea on dated 29/04/2019 number 6082914/6082915 of 30$ through paypal but product not work mt5.

i try mt5 XM,Pepperstone and FBS but product not work. seller( ) delete this product and not support me.

Please cancelled this product and refund me my purchasing cost 30$.

seller is cheating.very bad seller.

seller delete product semiscalpel EA.

I am afraid to tell you that MQL tests  every products before it's released to market and should they find it unfunctional or contains errors they refuse to release it , With MT5 it's really bad thing that different brokers have different settings for the fulfillment of orders . for example XM uses Immediate or Cancel Fill mode, if your EA doesn't support this mode the XM will refuse to open the order , So I think it's a problem with your broker not the EA  . And by the way if a product is paid the seller can't delete it 
satya prakash gupta:
 2019.05.01 19:00

i purchased product ea on dated 29/04/2019 number 6082914/6082915 of 30$ through paypal but product not work mt5.

i try mt5 XM,Pepperstone and FBS but product not work. seller( ) delete this product and not support me.

Please cancelled this product and refund me my purchasing cost 30$.

seller is cheating.very bad seller.

seller delete product semiscalpel EA.

If the seller deleted the product so it was deleted from the Market website.
But no one can delete the product from your Metatrader in case you bought it.


As to the seller ... so there is the Market Rules, and it is written some situations for example.


There is one good recommendation - buy the products from the people/sellers you know personally or everybody knows yhem from this forum as the active members of the forum.


The service desk may ask the question: "the product does not work for everybody, or just for you only? If for everybody - can you please provide the proof for it? If it does not work for you only - use the forum or contact with the seller."