Reading from TXT file - page 2


and when you add this to the bottom:

Result attached..weird... 

result.gif  14 kb
Check if you are really opening the right file. Change the file name to be sure.
Victor Carozo:


Here the code updated as suggested. 

I attached the .txt file for conference and compile results. I still not hold the data from ''sample.txt'' in the ''trade'' structure, anyone has another suggestion?

Why do u code 

short delimiter=';';

when ur sample.txt file is obviously delimited by ','?

Also, you need to re-save your sample.txt in unicode encoding (windows Notepad can do that).

Replace with the code. then it is ok

   short delimiter=',';
   int fileHandle = FileOpen("Sample.txt",FILE_ANSI|FILE_READ|FILE_CSV,delimiter);
Oh yes! using the FILE_ANSI flag should achieve the same effect as re-saving the file in unicode.
Seng Joo Thio:
Oh yes! using the FILE_ANSI flag should achieve the same effect as re-saving the file in unicode.

Thanks !! Finally solved. Here the correct code.

//|                                                      Stategy.mq5 |
//|                                                    Victor Carozo |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Victor Carozo"
#property link      ""

//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
  struct Table
      int line; 
      datetime date;
      string symbol;
      double price;
   Table table[];
   int i=0;
   short delimiter=',';
   int fileHandle = FileOpen("Sample.txt",FILE_READ|FILE_ANSI,delimiter);
   if(fileHandle==INVALID_HANDLE) Alert("could not open file, error: "+(string)GetLastError()); 

     while(FileIsEnding(fileHandle) == false)
        ArrayResize(table,ArraySize(table) +1 );     
        table[i].line = (int) FileReadNumber(fileHandle);
        table[i].date = FileReadDatetime(fileHandle);
        table[i].symbol = FileReadString(fileHandle);
        table[i].price = FileReadNumber(fileHandle);
    Print("table size: ",ArraySize(table));
    for(i=0; i<ArraySize(table); i++) Print(table[i].line," ",table[i].date," ",table[i].symbol," ",table[i].price);

