SL with aggressive profit?

There is an opinion that from time to time some great capital, who knows SL in small enterprises, is playing against the market to defeat them and their machines. On, I read that in the last days there was a loss of 4 to 5 million baks in the group of salesmen. This is a huge loss of significant capital. One of the arguments put forward in defense is the operation of a large speculative capital against orders, of which SL is publicly known. My first conclusion is that there is no speculative capital that could permanently reverse the market. Yes, it will shake the market for a moment, the goal will reach but the market will calm down by a force of inertia in a few hours or a few days later. The quake will survive the one who consciously or unconsciously played the same as this great capital. The heroes will also be those who will adjust the size of the order to the size of SL, and not vice versa. The second conclusion is such quakes on the market is not accidental, neither in time nor from the AT position. 
Capital fell on orders with a set of SL. The third conclusion: it is not enough to use SL. You still need to know how to use it. 
And the last conclusion - the whole situation is a confirmation of my opinion that the use of SL remains in a collision with aggressive profit. Either SL or aggressive gain. Combining these two contradictions is a struggle with the market until more capital is removed from the "belligerent" money bill. 
Unless you are looking at trading using the 5 minute chart, aggressive SL can be a disaster.