Some bug's in MT5 build 1950 and build 1952


Some bug's in MT5 build 1950 and build 1952:

1. function:

int  Bars(
   string           symbol_name,     // 交易品种名称
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES  timeframe        // 周期

    Bug : Sometime it alway return 0 in some symbols.

            Example : Bars("USDCNH",PERIOD_***);


int  CopyTime(
   string           symbol_name,     // 交易品种名称
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES  timeframe,       // 周期
   int              start_pos,       // 启动位置
   int              count,           // 复制的数据计算
   datetime         time_array[]     // 复制开仓时间的目标数组

    Bug: Previous versions are instant results. But in this, It will cost a lot of time to return Result. CopyOpen(),CopyHigh()... is also like this. 

           Example : CopyTime("AUDUSD",_Period,Bars("AUDUSD",_Period),100,time); 

                           Previous versions this code are return -1 instantly ,but now it will cost more time.

3. build 1952 new bug:

    Integer 0 and 1, it will not equal to bool.

    we know (int)0 = (bool)false, (int)1 = (bool)true, but now it is not equal to each other.

Bool true is anything but zero, not necessarily one.