Array sorting - page 3

Alain Verleyen:

Why aren't you open to comments ?

Your code works for you and that's fine. But it may happen it will not work depending of the context, for example if several EA are working and trying to close order(s) simultaneously. It's a possibility.

Thanks trying to help.

I have no problem with being open to comments, I do have a have a problem with condescending comments. Yeah there are many many other programmers that can and should code this better than I do, does that warrant me being told that the function is wrong when it is right for me?

The function works for me every time and has for years, if it doesn't work for someone else in some situation then don't use it. My aim is to keep the programs as simple as possible, it is a simple fix for me that's all.

Not too long ago I stopped using Metatrader for my day to day trades so I probably haven't found every situation because I insist on simple programs to do a simple task. Running multiple EA's is not something I normally do, with that said I did try it to see and guess what? No problems. :)

So I will refrain from posting for now on because my simplicity isn't understood here, seems everyone wants to complicate every little detail with programs 1000's of lines long. My largest is less than 500.

My best regards Alain

Keep up the good work


casual reading on coding, using SOLID principle.
code right from the the start.

SOLID Principles every Developer Should Know – Bits and Pieces
SOLID Principles every Developer Should Know – Bits and Pieces
  • 2018.10.09
  • Chidume Nnamdi
A short yet detailed introduction to understanding SOLID design principles.
Donald Gibson:

I have no problem with being open to comments, I do have a have a problem with condescending comments. Yeah there are many many other programmers that can and should code this better than I do, does that warrant me being told that the function is wrong when it is right for me?

The function works for me every time and has for years, if it doesn't work for someone else in some situation then don't use it. My aim is to keep the programs as simple as possible, it is a simple fix for me that's all.

Not too long ago I stopped using Metatrader for my day to day trades so I probably haven't found every situation because I insist on simple programs to do a simple task. Running multiple EA's is not something I normally do, with that said I did try it to see and guess what? No problems. :)

So I will refrain from posting for now on because my simplicity isn't understood here, seems everyone wants to complicate every little detail with programs 1000's of lines long. My largest is less than 500.

My best regards Alain

Keep up the good work

My apologies if my posts came across condescending, I'm just trying to help. Sometimes there will be errors in my logic and other members here will correct me and I generally appreciate having better code as a result. Also, there's nothing wrong with simplicity and nobody here is over-complicating the algo...

Refusing free code and advice that will save your program from making a potentially expensive error because of a hurt ego is a dangerous way to operate.