Can I invest for relatives and friends in Italy?

Can I invest for relatives and friends in Italy? I heard that CONSOB (italian institution that supervises financial markets) forbids investments for third parties, but I'm not sure that doing it just for relatives and friends would be against law...

This depends on the size of the operation.

The fact that you have to ask the question shows that you should examine the idea thoroughly. 

You don't want to get caught up in legal affairs, and everybody knows that investing and family don't go together.

Simply because, what if you lose ? 

Marco vd Heijden:

This depends on the size of the operation.

The fact that you have to ask the question shows that you should examine the idea thoroughly. 

You don't want to get caught up in legal affairs, and everybody knows that investing and family don't go together.

Simply because, what if you lose ?

Thank you for your opinion, but I need to know if I can or not legally and in Italy. I asked on other forums...some say yes, some say no. It's not clear. I have not found any clarification on CONSOB site. I guess that an italian trader with knowledge of this could answer us.


It wasn't an opinion.







And because some say yes some say no you better check it out yourself, and real good or prepare to face trouble.

Marco vd Heijden:

... investing and family don't go together ...

one of the ten commandments of investing...


James Newman:

Marco vd Heijden:

... investing and family don't go together ...

one of the ten commandments of investing...

Exactly. This is one of the fundamental laws of the universe.