I want to change my profiles


I want to change my profiles for upload document and QR Code please.

help me please.

Thank you very much.

my profiles



Contact service desk

Is Devil Sohan your real name ?
Marco vd Heijden:
Is Devil Sohan your real name ?


Devil Sohan:


Then why did you fill it in ?

Do you think this website is a joke ? 

Marco vd Heijden:

Then why did you fill it in ?

Do you think this website is a joke ? 

I don't know. 

Devil Sohan:

Do not double post.

Your other duplicate post has been removed.

Use your real name in applications

Make sure that your address is correct. It doesn't seem to be. But i don't know if that will make a difference.

When they ask for state that is the จังหวัด

Yes it matters the address is critical so make sure to do it right the first time.