MQL5 payments: OSID required?!


Once or twice my card OSID has been asked for by a broker and I have given it but my bank has told me no one should need or be given this number.

Why is it required to buy an indicator from the MQL5 market? Is it a concern? I'd like to hear how other people feel about this.



illused: Once or twice my card OSID has been asked for by a broker and I have given it but my bank has told me no one should need or be given this number. Why is it required to buy an indicator from the MQL5 market? Is it a concern? I'd like to hear how other people feel about this.

You have been misinformed by your bank:

What’s new about NAB’s Verified by Visa or MasterCard SecureCode process?

Do you have difficulty remembering your password or personal assurance message?  To make your online purchases simpler and more user friendly, the need for a password or personal assurance message has been removed. Instead, your online purchases will be validated using other information that will not compromise your security.

The primary piece of information that will be used for validating your online purchase will be an Online Shopping ID (OSID).

In some instances other information available to you will be used to validate your online purchases. For example, your NAB Identification number (NAB ID), credit limit or date of birth.  

Fernando Carreiro:

You have been misinformed by your bank:

Thanks Fernando... the bank was actually NAB, so perhaps the representative was misinformed. :/ Or I just understood it wrongly...


Kent Slaughter