Discussion of article "Create your own Market Watch using the Standard Library Classes" - page 2


Thank you! You help is very welcomed as usual :)

Wonder why there isn't "notify me at once" and "notify me when thread I started get updates" options.


Probably because MQ don't want become a spamming service ;-)
Probably because MQ don't want become a spamming service ;-)

:) that is mostly applied to "at once" feature. How about those "I started"? It is not a great deal, of course, to manually add the thread to your favourites, but that option will make the forum a little bit more user-friendly.

Thank you!! :) 

How to code to put Market Watch in pull down list meaning to select any symbol in market watch from pull down list ( no prices or anything else just symbols)? example is shown on attached picture for something else but that is idea?