Reference databases during strategy development


Hello everyone,

What reference databases would you recommend (websites, books or whatever) during the development of new trading strategies?

I mean, if, for instance, I want to add some kind of volume increment verification in my strategy, do you know some reference data base to evaluate all different options (real volume, OBV etc.) and the probable impact they would have into the EA strategy that is being developed? In order to evaluate the best choice according to our expectations.

Thanks! :D

Murilo Falleiros:

Hello everyone,

What reference databases would you recommend (websites, books or whatever) during the development of new trading strategies?

I mean, if, for instance, I want to add some kind of volume increment verification in my strategy, do you know some reference data base to evaluate all different options (real volume, OBV etc.) and the probable impact they would have into the EA strategy that is being developed? In order to evaluate the best choice according to our expectations.

Thanks! :D

My thinking is:

If you learnt to how to trade, AND, you are falling behind for any matters - you need and EA... Otherwise, you are loosing your time and, in  the near future, your money...

EAs are for professional Traders who know what they are dealing with...

Are you a newbee? You will loose money. Period.



What reference databases would you recommend (websites, books or whatever) during the development of new trading strategies?

This forum is a good place to start. There is a ton of knowledge in the forum posts, articles, code samples, etc.

do you know some reference data base to evaluate all different options (real volume, OBV etc.) and the probable impact they would have into the EA strategy that is being developed?

That sounds like tacit knowledge—you're never going to find a book that covers this definitively.

What you need to do is research the topic (e.g. volume), internalize it, come up with ideas, test  your ideas, repeat.

Minions Labs:

My thinking is:

If you learnt to how to trade, AND, you are falling behind for any matters - you need and EA... Otherwise, you are loosing your time and, in  the near future, your money...

EAs are for professional Traders who know what they are dealing with...

Are you a newbee? You will loose money. Period.


Thanks for the feedback!

I really don't expect miracles in the short period, but I'm enjoying the way and spect in the future to create successful EAs (more than the ones I've created by now :P)

Anthony Garot:

This forum is a good place to start. There is a ton of knowledge in the forum posts, articles, code samples, etc.

That sounds like tacit knowledge—you're never going to find a book that covers this definitively.

What you need to do is research the topic (e.g. volume), internalize it, come up with ideas, test  your ideas, repeat.

I totally agree! People here have helped a lot! Thanks