Scripts: Export Trades


Export Trades:

Exports your history into a .csv file which can be read by excel or similar. You can sort your trades and see easily how much a certain EA won or lost.

Author: Thomas Quester

Thanks for the effort. Looks handy :)
Nice one.....Thanks.
Thanks! :)
good , very well!!!


it don`t do anything can anyone help me please ?

MetaQuotes Software Corp.:

Export Trades:

Author: Thomas Quester

Thanks a lot, the Exel-export Tool is exactly what I was looking for for quite a while and what should have been a part of MT4 from the beginning!

Finally I can analyse (-> Pivot Table) where my money went ...

thanks, very good, you can add pips gain and loss ? thanks.
No date and time of the closed orders? What have I to do?