How to convert indicator(e.g Regression indicator ) to function that return a value(e.g. regression value)


//|                                             Vinin HighLow v1.mq4 |

//|                                        Victor Nicolaev aka Vinin |

//|                                           |


#property copyright "Victor Nicolaev aka Vinin"

#property link      "mailto:"

#property indicator_chart_window

#property indicator_buffers 3

#property indicator_color1 Yellow

#property indicator_color2 Green

#property indicator_color3 Red

extern int period=34;

extern int price=0;

extern int Shift=0;

extern int Shift=0;

//---- buffers

double BufferGreen[];

double BufferYellow[];

double BufferRed[];


//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |


int init() {

   int i;

   for (i=0;i<3;i++) {








   return(0); }//int init() 


int start() {

   int limit;

   double tmp1,tmp2,tmp3;

   int tmpBar, tmpTime;

   int counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();

   int i, j,k;

   if(counted_bars<0) return(-1);

   if(counted_bars>0) counted_bars--;


   int cmd;

   for (i = limit;i>=0;i--){




      BufferGreen[i] =tmp3;


      BufferRed[i]   =tmp3;

//2018-10-1 plan to enhance  Begin enhancement 

if (i==1) // to return the latest  regression value


  Return_value =tmp3;        //2008-10-01 how do I pass the return_value to calling program ?  ***


//2018-10-1 plan to enhance  End enhancement 

      if (BufferYellow[i]>BufferYellow[i+1]){


      } else if (BufferYellow[i]<BufferYellow[i+1]){

         BufferGreen[i] =EMPTY_VALUE;

      } else {


         BufferGreen[i] =EMPTY_VALUE;





Hi all,

Good day.

GENERICALLY, how do we modify an indicator to a become a function that **return a value** to calling program ?

so that e.g. from the main program, we can call this EXAMPLE function to get a value e.g. linear-regression-indikator value 

Just using this indicator to learn how to convert to function

In main program e.g. when condition-1 met, I like to call this linear-regression-indikator to get the regression value and get the 

 double Return_val=iCustom("SP-DEC18",0,"linear-regression-indikator",34,0,0);

This is just a example function to be called

Currently the linear-regression-indikator has parameters

extern int period=34;

extern int price=0;

extern int Shift=0;

---===  sample indicator  script attached  ====


   int cmd;

   for (i = limit;i>=0;i--){




      BufferGreen[i] =tmp3;


      BufferRed[i]   =tmp3;

//2018-10-1 plan to enhance  Begin enhancement 

if (i==1) // to return the latest  regression value


  Return_value =tmp3;        //2008-10-01 how do I pass the return_value to calling program ?  ***


//2018-10-1 plan to enhance  End enhancement 

      if (BufferYellow[i]>BufferYellow[i+1]){


      } else if (BufferYellow[i]<BufferYellow[i+1]){

         BufferGreen[i] =EMPTY_VALUE;

      } else {


         BufferGreen[i] =EMPTY_VALUE;





==== Note: Reference for icustom====== 

double  iCustom(
   string       symbol,           // symbol
   int          timeframe,        // timeframe
   string       name,             // path/name of the custom indicator compiled program
   ...                            // custom indicator input parameters (if necessary)
   int          mode,             // line index
   int          shift             // shift

Thank you very much in advance


iCustom - Technical Indicators - MQL4 Reference
iCustom - Technical Indicators - MQL4 Reference
[in]  Custom indicator compiled program name, relative to the root indicators directory (MQL4/Indicators/). If the indicator is located in subdirectory, for example, in MQL4/Indicators/ The passed parameters and their order must correspond with the declaration order and the type of extern variables of the custom indicator...

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