Libraries: Tester Control


Tester Control:

This is a control library for MT Tester.

Author: Robert Simon

Thanks a lot!!

Hi, symr

I tested multi-currency like EURUSD; GBPUSD, but When the scrip ran complete, I can't find the EURUSD test report and I did't get any clue from you source code.

Could you tell me where is it saved?

Thanks a lot!



Hi, symr

I tested multi-currency like EURUSD; GBPUSD, but When the scrip ran complete, I can't find the EURUSD test report and I did't get any clue from you source code.

Could you tell me where is it saved?

Thanks a lot!


This is a bit more complicated. I use my own report maker, and the file created in "c: \ ...... \ MetaTrader \ tester \ files".

If u use a the summary report, your report also create in same dir.

double ExtInitialDeposit;
int init () {
  ExtInitialDeposit = AccountBalance();
int deinit() {
and the Reports makes something like this

| EURUSD - H1                     | 1970.01.01 - 2011.01.01                       | v0.1                                          |
| Initial deposit           10000 |                                               |                                               |
| Total net profit           4.77 | Gross profit                 4.77             | Gross loss                   0.00             |
| Profit factor              0.00 | Expected payoff              4.77             |                                               |
| Absolute drawdown          0.00 | Maximal drawdown             0.00 (0.00%)     | Relative drawdown            0.00% (0.00)     |
| Trades total                  1 | Short positions(won %)          1 (100.00%)   | Long positions(won %)           0 (?%)        |
|                                 | Profit trades (% of total)      1 (100.00%)   | Loss trades (% of total)        0 (?%)        |
|                         Largest | profit trade                 4.77             | loss trade                  -0.00             |
|                         Average | profit trade                 4.77             | loss trade                      0             |
|             Maximum consecutive | wins (profit in money)          1 (4.77)      | losses (loss in money)          0 (-0.00)     |
|             Maximal consecutive | profit (count of wins)       4.77 (1.00)      | loss (count of losses)      -0.00 (0.00)      |
|                         Average | consecutive wins                1             | consecutive losses              0             |
|    # |              DATE | TYPE |       TICKET |  LOT |     OPEN |      S/L |     T/P | P |   PROFIT |
|    1 |  2008.10.14 14:00 | SELL |            1 | 0.01 | 1.36890  | 1.37390  | 1.36413 |   |     4.77 |
I haven't tested your codes but what you are sharing here is exactly what I am looking for. Thank you very much. I will try it right away.
Thank you so much for this script. Very good!
MetaQuotes Software Corp.:

Tester Control:

Author: Robert Simon


Concept is exactly what I'm looking for, however in post build 600+ (Build 950) the process running as a script dropped on a chart, fails to complete.

The process calls StartTester(), delays then journal result is "Abnormal termination", "Shutdown by timeout"

I assume this may have to do with additional controls added to the BT window or other after build 600.

On compilation the compiler does note "Arrays passed by reference only".

Can anyone confirm if this script should work post build 600+ or is there a working update which does the same?

Suggestions to update for current build, running Win10.

So far I've found only fare more complicated versions doing optimization rather than the multiple playback in tester this process created.

Thank you,