Remove "DNBuffer" without getting errors



I have an indicator that gives 2 arrows. And I would liek to remove the 1st one named as DNBuffer.
But I have no clue what to replace or take away. If anyone know how, I would appreciate it:

  if(iClose(Symbol(),TF,i+3)>=iOpen(Symbol(),TF,i+3)){TOP1 = iClose(Symbol(),TF,i+3);DNBuffer[i+3]= iHigh(Symbol(),TF,i+3)+dista;}

         if(iClose(Symbol(),TF,i+3)< iOpen(Symbol(),TF,i+3)){TOP1 = iOpen (Symbol(),TF,i+3);DNBuffer[i+3]= iHigh(Symbol(),TF,i+3)+dista;}



Daniel Gustavsson:


I have an indicator that gives 2 arrows. And I would liek to remove the 1st one named as DNBuffer.
But I have no clue what to replace or take away. If anyone know how, I would appreciate it:



The best way is updating property indicator_buffers and removing this buffer from the code and re-indexing other buffers.
The worse way but maybe faster for you is setting the empty value for this buffer and set this empty value to each element for this buffer.