Libraries: WinSock - page 2

can that be used in 64bit system?
This code does not work for me Win 7 64, MQL4 b6++!

Both the server (fails to bind to a port) and the client (cannot connect) fails!

Wonderful product!

This code does not work for me Win 7 64, MQL4 b6++!

Both the server (fails to bind to a port) and the client (cannot connect) fails!

Wonderful product!

i haven't managed to run any forms of communication on x64 system - neither pipe connection through kernel32.dll or tcp/ip connection. Does anyone know any way to connect 2 terminal's EAs on x64 system (that would work both on x86 and x64) ?

Hi, try to compile the scripts on Metaeditor 5.00 buid 1154, that cames with MetaTrader 4.00 build 840, and not works.

It gives me an error at line 284 to 289 on WinSock.mqh:

// ERROR: '.' - unexpected in macro definition	winsock.mqh	284	17
#define sin_addr.s_net   65540 
#define sin_addr.s_host  65541 
#define sin_addr.s_lh    65542 
#define sin_addr.s_impno 65543 
#define sin_addr.s_imp  131078 
#define sin_addr.s_addr 262168 

other error at line 292 of same file :

// Error: 'struct' - unexpected token   winsock.mqh     292     20
// Error: '[' - struct can't be defined in parameters list      winsock.mqh     292     26

int struct2int(int struct[], int field) {

Wemerson Guimaraes:

Hi, try to compile the scripts on Metaeditor 5.00 buid 1154, that cames with MetaTrader 4.00 build 840, and not works.

It gives me an error at line 284 to 289 on WinSock.mqh:

other error at line 292 of same file :

Hi, did you get that resolved? I'm getting the same compile errors on mt4.


For MT4 Build 600 onward, I've tried and it is working perfectly for me.

Send orders to MT4 from Java via IP
Send orders to MT4 from Java via IP
  • 2016.09.17
Hello, Is there any way to send simple orders (just BUY, SELL, CLOSE) to MT4 from another computer (which is running a Java app) via IP...
The donwloadable files are not compilable tested at02.07.2022
Has the winsock issue ever been fixed? just by accessing this WinSock.mqh I my errors went from 22 to 67 and all of the errors are reported as being inside the mqh file.